Random stream of night thoughts….
This is not a tech article.
I have been posting mostly tech articles on Medium since some time. But, this place is not just for them. It is for everything that I want to write. Therefore, I am writing today’s article, something which I wanted to write since a lot of time. After much procrastination, it is here. Today I want to talk to you about life. What life is and who are we ?
Each night before sleeping, some random thoughts creep into my mind about life. Quite interestingly, they have been constantly building upon each other everyday and now I have enough to write an article on it.
I was wondering about the purpose of life like everyone else, so I thought from a human standpoint. Where do humans stand in the complete universe ? What part do we serve as organisms ? A thought came to my mind that we are just equal to the size of cells(in our body) or even less when compared to the whole universe. There are different types of cells in our body which keep us alive and moving each day. They develop their defences to fight against outside factors to keep us healthy. In our body, if the tissues are damaged, they can get regenerated with time. We do not have any control over any of these functions of our body and all of these just happen themselves and helps us stay alive.
Trying to draw a parallel, we as humans kind of function like cells. We fight against outside factors which try to harm us. A lot of us die each day and many new ones are also generated. All of us combined keep this whole earth moving. We either help other humans in our lifetime or we hurt them. In someway or the other, our life can also be thought as a function of the amount of influence we have over other humans. We as humans are dependent a lot on the universe and nature. Some conditions are favourable to us and some inhabitable. In favourable conditions, we flourish, grow and prosper and in inhabitable conditions, we just die. This is also kind of like a cell, whose lifetime depends on how we keep our body. We are the nature for the cells in our body.
Now, coming back to the question, if we are like a cell to the whole universe(or multiverse), then our purpose is just to exist and keep our habitat alive for as long as we can. If the cells in our body has any ulterior motive instead of just keeping us alive, they become a cancer. But, are we even capable of keeping Earth or this multiverse alive ? Do really, everything depends on us.
I really don’t think so. In a way our cells control us, they die we die. We do not have any control over them other than offering them favourable conditions. But, if there is a higher power in this multiverse, which we call God, I think the condition will be completely reverse. What if everything that exists, is a part of one big creature which controls whatever there exists inside of it ?
A great visualisation of what I am trying to say can be found in this song by Selena Gomez: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1AhOK4UwAMs.
What if, our purpose was just to exist, have fun and then die like a cell in our body. I am curious how other cells react when one of them dies. I am sure there can be many similarities found.
A lot of what I wrote, might not make any sense, but that’s why it is called random thoughts….